Latest QA Trends, News, Information and How-to advice of Software Testing & Quality Assurance. Let's take a look on software testing news and practical advice on QA concepts

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What is the role of QA in the age of DevOps?

DevOps is Agile and it removes all the obstacles to delivering high-quality software in the hands of customers. Once a smooth process for agile development and continuous integration is developed, automation of the deployment process becomes necessary because it fulfills the following objectives for which the managers crave:
# Fast-track time to market
# Improved quality
# Increased organizational effectiveness
Click here to know more about the role of QA in the age of DevOps.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Some of the major key factors to create a test automation framework

Test Automation is the process of software testing which is performed by utilizing various test automation tools. It plays a vital role in the success/failure of any software automation project.  The type of test automation tools can either be open source or licensed versions. 

 It is highly recommended by the software testing experts that before the initialization of test automation, a test automation framework should be created which would not only support the software testing process but also help in improving its quality.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Why Do You Need To Perform Application Compatibility Testing?

In today’s technology driven business, a software application is demanded to work with various platforms and versions. Adjusting rapidly to changing platforms would help companies to manage huge business demands and deliver results that provide true business value. Extensive testing helps create products of high quality that provide value for money. 

Compatibility testing is a type of non-functional testing. It is a type of software testing which is done to ensure that the system/application/website built is compatible with various other objects such as other web browsers, operating systems, users and hardware platforms etc.

Multiple software tests are performed while the product is under processing and testing is also performed on the finished prior to its release. This testing ensures a competitive edge for the end product in terms of quality, compatibility, cost, and delivery before it is delivered.

To read more, visit full post:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mobile Apps Automation Testing Tools


Automation testing is one of the widely used mobile app testing approaches. In this, a user is required to set up as many test cases as possible which will allow the user to automate approximately 80% of the testing. Both manual and automation approach can be used for mobile application testing while automation testing saves a lot of time and effort in comparison to manual testing.

To know more about mobile app automation testing tools, visit our blog post.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What will testing look like in Year 2020?

One thing which we were observing since the year 2001 was how testing activities integrate with SDLC in early stages by using methodologies such as Agile. Agile was used by many organizations for shortening their development time. Also use of virtualization, cloud computing, and service-oriented architecture also become famous.
Below are the Software Testing predictions for the coming years:
1. New roles and responsibilities of Software Tester: Nowadays our prime objective is to prevent bugs before the product gets delivered. In the future, we will see how the testers will also provide various risk assessments tools which will ensure that our product is stable at all times. to read more info at -

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Introduction to APIs & how to automate APIs testing with selenium webdriver?

An application-programming interface (API) consists of a set of standards and programming instructions for accessing a Web tool or Web-based software application. Application Program interface is a set of protocols, routines, and tools required for building software applications. An API specifies the way in which the software components should interact. Additionally, APIs are used when the graphical user interface(GUI) components are to be programmed. A good API provides all the building blocks and makes it easier to develop a program. A programmer puts all the building blocks together.

Different types of APIs are available for operating systems, applications or websites. For example, ‘Windows’ has many API sets that are being used by the system hardware and applications i.e. when users copy and paste text from one application to another, it is the API that makes it work. Most of the operating environments, such as MS-Windows also provides APIs which allows the programmers to write applications that are consistent with the operating environment. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How To Improve Test Case Efficiency?

In software programming and development world, best software developers always write their unit test cases first keeping in mind the functional requirements before starting their coding phase which improves their coding quality and efficiency.

Relatively, software testers should write their test cases during the earlier stage of the software development life cycle and it is best to write test cases during the software requirements phase. The QA manager or test manager should gather and prepare the maximum possible documents as per the list is given below: 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Context-Driven Approach to Automation in Testing

Testing is a part of the critical and creative work that happens in the design studio but “automation” inspires people to think of mechanized assembly-line work done on the factory floor. The term test automation is also unclear.

Firstly, test automation is not human at all. Since you don’t pay the computer, it is incredibly inexpensive and fast too. Secondly, test automation is a skillful activity executed by humans who write and operate software over hours, days or weeks and those people must be paid for their time. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How to run parallel execution in Selenium Grid using TestNG?

Selenium Grid is a proxy server that enables the user to run tests in parallel on multiple machines. It manages different browser versions and configurations centrally. Selenium Grid allows the selenium test scripts to route the commands to remote web browsers.

Mobile App Testing using Selenium

When the Selenium Grid is to be used?

Selenium Grid must be used when you want to do either one or both of the following:

Tests can be run against different browsers, operating systems, and machines all at the same time: For this, you need to ensure whether the application being tested is fully compatible with a wide range of browser-OS combinations. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top 5 software testing traps & How to overcome them

Being a software tester, you might face situations that challenge your efficiency and effectiveness as a tester. Testers must be aware of the hurdles, mistakes and traps that they may encounter in their lives. Following are the top 5 traps that you will ever run into in your software testing career and also the ways to overcome those traps.

software testing

Unaware of the Testing Goal

Sometimes you fall into a situation where you have no idea about the new or enhanced features that needs to be tested. So the tester might fail to recognize the goal when a new functionality/ project needs to be tested. However, if one doesn’t understand in the beginning, it might produce concerns later in the execution and planning phase.

For more read here:


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