Latest QA Trends, News, Information and How-to advice of Software Testing & Quality Assurance. Let's take a look on software testing news and practical advice on QA concepts

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Friday, March 29, 2019

Cucumber Testing Tool For BDD Automation

cucumber software testing tool

Cucumber: What is it?

Cucumber is an automation tool which is used to write tests for a web application. Using cucumber user can easily automate the functionalities and the format used is easily readable just like plain English.

Why was Cucumber Introduced?

Previously there was a lot of ambiguity, and there was a need to connect software development lifecycle. Thus, there was a requirement for some criteria that would convert the customer’s acceptance criteria into the testing process for actual development. The basic ideology was to upgrade the existing Test-Driven Development process to something that a non-technical person can understand easily. It combines the acceptance tests, the functional requirements, and the documentation into a single arrangement to make it easy to understand.

Benefits of using Cucumber:

The reasons why you should prefer Cucumber:
  • Code reuse
  • The world system
  • Basic form of documentation

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Internet of Things (IoT) Testing: Challenges, Types and Best Practices

iot software testing

IoT has great importance nowadays as we can collect information from a different platform and share the same across the internet which is processed for different purposes. IoT provides real-time information which was not approachable earlier.

There is a great demand to access, create, use and share data from any device. It’s the main reason is to provide greater insight and control, over various interconnected IoT devices. That is why the IoT testing framework is essential.

Types of IoT Testing

  • Compatibility Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Reliability and Scalability Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Performance Testing

Challenges of IoT Testing

1. Test Data- To get the obtain test data among different systems, organization among multiple teams and Substantial effort is required.

2. Test Environment- It is not easy to replicate the environment required for IoT testing and demands too much effort and expense.

3. Sensor quality and accuracy- Gadget or Device under test may not be of good quality or have the correct accuracy needed for testing.

To continue reading about the aspects of iot testing, check out the original source.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

How DevOps Can Be Used in Software Testing To Boost The Quality?

software testing in devops

In DevOps speed and agility is the basics for DevOps and for this we automate all the testing processes. Simultaneously, when development is completed in the QA environment, all the processes are configured to run them automatically. There are different types of tools used for automation and continuous integration tools for integration. A solid and easy to use framework used for writing the scripts also speed up the process of testing.

Why To Use DevOps in Software Testing:

Although there are not many differences between Agile and DevOps Testing, people working with Agile find DevOps familiar to work with. While Agile conventions are implemented successfully in the development & QA iterations, it works differently on the operations side. With the help of DevOps this gap is amended.

Visit full post to view the know the use of devOps in software testing.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Monkey Testing - Definition & Why Do We Need It?

monkey testing

Monkey testing is an approach of software testing in which the user test application or software by providing random inputs to check the behavior of an application.

Now, consider a scenario where a monkey is given a computer system with the keyboard. We are not expecting the Monkey to use the system as a software professional in this condition. Monkey will start hitting the keyboard keys many numbers of times and may input any combination of characters without knowing the correct input which should be given to the system application. Testers also perform monkey testing in the same way without any specific plan.

One more thing to be noticed about monkey testing is that it’s a new approach of testing announced in the market and do not have any proper recognition in the industry regarding their processes or tools but maybe in upcoming time, it will start getting more importance. In order to crack the system, we can use an automated technique to do monkey testing. We can also use these testing concepts in stress testing to break the system by adding invalid inputs to the system. It is more useful when normal testing had completed.

Read original post to know the categories of monkey testing and why we need to do monkey testing.


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Winium - Desktop Application Testing Tool! Why We Need This?

desktop application testing tools

Winium - One of the open source tool that is successfully running in the market. First of all, let’s discuss the meaning of Winium; Win + Selenium = Winium. It is a proper selenium based automation framework for window desktop application. Winium is compatible with many programming languages for example java, objective – C, JavaScript with Node.JS, PHP, Python, Ruby, C#.

Winium support:

  • Windows Desktop (WPF, WinForms) Apps
  • Windows Store or Universal Apps for Windows Phone
  • Windows Phone Silverlight Apps

Why We Need This Desktop Automation Tool?

There are many automation tools available in market for website automation or for mobile apps automation tool i.e. selenium with any browser like Chrome, Firefox etc. Selenium is for web applications and Appium is for Android/iOS applications.  Though there are other types of application available as well like desktop apps. To cover automation of these types of apps we require Winium. So to inspect window based application elements we used Winium’s tool. Winium is implemented on protocol of JSONWire which is used by selenium.

Visit original post to contnue reading about this amazing desktop application automation tool.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Importance of Software Testing for Banking & Financial Applications – BugRaptors

Why Software Testing Is Very Important For Banking Applications?

Banking sector is tremendously emerging and the banking applications are considered to be one of the most complex applications in software development and testing industry.

There is no association which will tolerate any financial bug or error in their application. This is the part where an association needs software testing and quality assurance. If finances are involved in any application, guidelines have to be followed strictly. Quality assurance and Software testing play a vital role in assuring the quality of banking application.  Both testers and developers of financial applications should have a good understanding of finance and complete domain knowledge as well.

Most of the financial applications have different QA and software testing necessities. A tester should have a proper domain knowledge in which the financial application is based on.

Check out the major points which indicate the importance of software testing for financial and banking application.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How Software Testing Boost The Quality in Healthcare Industry?

Role of software testing in healthcare industry

Real-time on-demand medical assistance is a new influential shift in the healthcare segment. Although, the basic idea of home healthcare is changing in an overall manner the way healthcare industry functions, which expects convenient, easy, user-friendly and quick access to healthcare. Home healthcare is also a growing trend and it is expected to grow more in the upcoming years.

Software testing helps to validate business workflows and take performance measures to ensure the desired results. This is done by monitoring the strategy, implementation, and execution on every defined parameter.

Consequently, this helps in ensuring the highest quality output within shorter development cycles. Quality Assurance further ensures comprehensive coverage across all the scenarios and setups, which helps achieve complete testing.

To read more, visit original post here -


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